Amongst the mass of CD's gathering scratches in the Pumpkin's glove compartment are a few that display surprisingly organized names, such as "A thru D" - ABBA, Beatles, Carpenters, Dire Straits. I don't know where the rest of the alphabets are.
Anyhow, on a pleasantly warm Monday morning 'I have a dream..' by ABBA came out of the Pumpkins voice box to greet me. I figured that I still don't understand the implied meaning of "I believe in angels when I know the time is right for me!".
Uh? What am I missing?
Do I believe in the Devil when I know the time is 'wrong' for me? Shouldn't I be believing in angels when the time is NOT right for me? Or may be its to be combined with the line that follows as "When I know the time is right for me, I cross the stream/street (whatever)". And the believing in angels bit is an unedited placeholder used by the poet to keep the flow.
On another note, the answer to today's cryptoquote on my puzzles website is a classic Steinbeck: "People who are most afraid of their dreams convince themselves they don't dream at all."
I need to chew on that one for some time.