Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I want more traffic jams

Really, I need more of them. On selective routes. Like the one from School to Office. I currently run myself into two thick jams. At Mandovi Motors I pull out my moisturiser and spend the full five minutes fighting the flaky skin. Nearing Fourm on Hosur Road, I comb my hair. Yes I do! Of course if theres no jam, then i dont comb it. Ha. Who cares. What big difference would it make anyways?

Now that I leave home early, I pack breakfast. I need a stop to eat it. Must work my way into a jam at BTM layout probably.

Probably if I hire a driver, and have traffic jams on the way to school, i can even manage to feed V in the car.


Preeti Aghalayam aka kbpm said...

yeah you can feed her, thats true. but she can also counter by throwing up.

PG said...

hee hee ... get a driver and you can catch some sleep too!

Airspy said...

cynic :-). is that the triumph of experience over hope?

pg, that is a wonderful idea!

Preeti Aghalayam aka kbpm said...

well, i did make the same argument when i told my driver to show up to drop me. also, i was getting real stressed (a) driving with idiots cutting from all sides (b) feeding the monster 'sufficient' amount of breakfast in the morning (c) driving with some fussiness going on in the back seat.

i do feed a banana or some such undesirable thing in the car sometimes these days but mostly i sit in the back and give lectures on behavior (bad days) or enjoy the scenery near the lake (good days).

Choxbox said...

aah i need to do a post on drivers and such.

but airspy, when are we meeting up this week? can give you more tips on where all you can work extra trafiic jams into your life.