Friday, July 11, 2008

Looking Out, Looking In

What typically happens in traffic. You are stuck behind a vehicle. For want for anything better to do, if you mind is on the moment, then you take in the vehicle. Maybe an ancient esteem. Perhaps a badly bashed up innova. Cool Audi. Comparable Alto. Nice color for the Baleno, does the owner bother that its no longer in production? HeeHo..Palio! How low-rise can the pillion riders jeans be. Oh, Jeans everywhere. Its actually friday. Oh, the infant on the motorbike. On its way to some form of caregiver. What a struggle it must be for the parents with the commute and work and what not. EMI's....on everything. Wheres the nest I contemplate. Perhaps in Begur? Vijaya Layout? Cant be sure.

I can take in vehicles such as these. But there a few which I cannot look straight at. The open tempos in which a few folks are standing and they are looking back, bcos they cant look front. They could be those catering vehicles with the tall dabbas. The garbage trucks, in which few folks are seated right on top of the garbage. Forced to be oblivious to the stench and the filth. And some of those carry two dozen consturction workers...women, children and a few men. These folks look right at me - the driver, the woman, the materially richer one perhaps, the one that doesnt have to care much....the lucky one.


Preeti Aghalayam aka kbpm said...

hmm. garbage truck persons. usually young looking. i stare freely and get lost in some mind-tunnel by which time auto honks and squeezes in front of me. i think its not good, one must concentrate on the road while driving.. especially on friday evenings when everyones nerves are frayed and exhausted.

Choxbox said...

i am usually thinking how i'd have got out of the traffic mess-up had i been at the wheel. keeps me v busy.

PG said...

yeah...if you are looking, there's more tham meets the eye. reminds me when i used to come back from work late nights. feeling like the only soul in the entire world who is working hard. it is after mid night. madivala market. the market is just closing. the vegetable sellers wrapping up for the day. ok. so there are others who are up this late, i think. another time i am coming back home at 4 am in the morning. no one could possible be up this early in the morning. i am mistaken. the same market. the sellers are getting ready for the day setting up their stuff. never felt more embarassed and bad. every time i remember how hard i am slogging, i remember those folks and i shut up. i had choices.