Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hope and Happiness

The point in time wherein you feel the least happy, is always the point wherein you have the least hope. Can this hold true at all points?


Choxbox said...

Mebbe Gibran will know ;)

But hey meant to call you yesterday but it got buried under several layers of cant-even-remember-anymores. Will do the needful today.

PG said...

good point. very profound. coming to think of it, yes. you are unhappy because you see nothing in the present or the future that brings you a smile. there is nothing you can hope for. when there is hope, you know something will happen the way you want it, and that keeps you happy and going in expectation of that happening.

Preeti Aghalayam aka kbpm said...

true if you are unhappy because there is little hope.

Airspy said...

cb, i am scared of checking gibran on this. he may let me down by sounding extremely practical and hopeless..
Yes kbpm, differing kids of unhappiness i guess.
Unappiness as a reaction to some event, say like yday, when a very close office colleagues spouse met with a gruesome accident, is in a way unconnected with hope. Its a b&w situation in which a horrific event has occured that immediately triggers sadness.

Unhappiness arising out of an accumulated series of experiences like a relationship, is tied to hope. Case in point, another friend who has attempted everything to keep a marriage alive. And yet its not working out because I dont see an ounce of reciprocation of effort from the other spouse. A deep sense of unhappiness stemming out of an innnate lack of hope. Right PG?

Thanks for all this. A few sad events of the past week has been the trigger.

Preeti Aghalayam aka kbpm said...

the thing is that from the outside there is so much clarity in such situations. i mean there is ALWAYS hope is there not? (even if you dont believe in the Pandora's Box Myth) It is mostly a matter of seeing in which direction it lies!

you take care airspy, and please come to mumbai for new year and eve.

PG said...

oh! airspy i am sorry.
life feels good at times - regular routine, normal is boring etc etc
but then things happen suddenly out of the blue - some good, some bad and then the rhythm changes.

in school we read our lessons first and then had our exams. in life, you have the exams first and then you ponder over what lessons you were supposed to learn from the experiences and wonder if there was not some other way to learn the same stuff? and so life goes on...

Airspy said...

Well said PG. Exams first (Surprise, Surprise, Shock!) and then we learn!
kbpm, i am conteplating Bandipur for New Years!

Choxbox said...

where you are? tried calling you on saturday - couldnt get through.