Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ten Random Notes

  1. 50% of my children have been promoted to the next class (UKG). The fate of the remaining 50% will be known on Monday.
  2. Grandparents arrived last month along with the exams and made life a lot easier for ALL of us.
  3. I have done the usual screaming at messy rooms strewn with Monopoly and Carrom artifacts, hands ingrained with grime after playing cricket with filthy balls in filthy shoes (no socks of course) in absolutely unhygienic 'play grounds'.
  4. I did not dare yell at broken nail polish bottles - which resulted in hands, legs and nose dyed (red) in nail polish for two full days. Nor did I dare comment on strange cartoons that had sprung up on the walls of the kids room. I did not dare... because the culprit was the younger one.
  5. Incident 4 listed above took another avataar in the form of eyeliners in my teenaged nieces room. The niece and I haven't seen eye-to-eye since.
  6. Both the monsters' schools have redesigned the respective uniforms. That extends my shopping list.
  7. They spent two nights at my sister-in-laws place at the other end of town. I felt miserable at home in this end of town. You know the usual feeling - all quiet, quite lonely etc. Inspite of this, am contemplating leaving them in Chennai for a month
  8. We dont have any VACATION plans. Though I have been consulted by all and sundry on their respective plans. What kid friendly food to take on long drives? How best to pack light for Ooty (in MAY!)? Is cooked Maggi better than cup-o-noodles with hot water and all the crap? Best temples?
  9. I entered a swimming pool after ages. I didnt swim, but just hung around in the water. But five days later, my upper arms still hurt. They are the most awkward and most high maintenance body part.
  10. Painting classes - I am resolving once again to enroll myself in one.
    (This blog is truly useful in noting making. I was trying hard to remember how the last summer was spent, and the blog readily gave me clues. So, this is just another attempt to assist my worn out memory cells next year)


Choxbox said...

pls to add #11

go and visit choxbox's place.

(p.s: mom is around => dhoklas and such are available.)

Airspy said...

Thats an awesome thought #11. Will soon. I hope khakras are in store too.

Choxbox said...

yes they are. get kids along too pls.

Preeti Aghalayam aka kbpm said...

lucky devils.